Prior learning and work experience.

If you have undertaken studies prior to your enrolment at CHC, or have gained experiences through work-related or other contexts, these may constitute a pathway into studies at CHC and be considered for inclusion in your CHC course through a process of transfer of credit or articulation.

As a higher education provider, CHC has established policies under which students may apply for credit into their CHC courses. This is usually on the basis of formal higher education studies that have been successfully completed prior to enrolment at CHC and are assessed as being comparable with CHC course requirements. Credit may also be granted under the provisions of recognition of prior learning (RPL) and recognised current competency (RCC).

This involves an assessment of the learnings and competencies obtained through previous formal training, work experiences and/or life experiences against the content and learning outcomes contained in CHC units of study.

The CHC Transfer of Credit policies explain the framework in which credit assessments are made, including the criteria that are used in determining equivalence with CHC units of study and the rules that apply regarding maximum amounts of credit, recency of study and time limits for course completion. Separate transfer of credit policies exist for domestic students and . Studies that are undertaken on a cross-institutional basis while students are enrolled at CHC are also classified as transfer of credit. All policies that related to transfer of credit at CHC are available on the page of the CHC website.

CHC has established agreements with various other institutions that provide for a guaranteed amount of credit into selected CHC courses upon the completion of those institutions’ courses. This is known as articulation. The principles that govern these arrangements are explained in the policy.

Information regarding the agreements that are currently in operation is available in the Articulation Register. Applicants who have completed courses that are listed in the register are not required to apply separately for inclusion of these studies into their CHC courses, but are granted advanced standing upon their successful admission into the associated CHC course. Applicants should note that the normal entry requirements apply to all courses and that the completion of a course listed in the Articulation Register does not guarantee entry to CHC.

Questions regarding transfer of credit can be directed to

For both Credit Transfer and Recognition of Prior Learning, please use the links below: